I make things.
Knit things. Paint things.
Always on creating...
Vividly yours...
...this Valentines
Meye current tools:
Yarn. Needle. Thread. Paints. Canvas. Wood.

...seek & eye shall find...

All things found here are handmade. I humbly go through all the stages of grief whilst creating something. So its proper authentic art stuff - 100% guranteed!
I knit accessories - so you can purchase things like gloves, scarves, headbands & leg warmers. I paint things like notebooks, canvases, cards & wooden trinkets.
I enjoy experimenting with colour and textures as well as embracing the dark and light in everything - energetically and physically.
The shop button will take you to my etsy page! I hope you find something that speaks to you. I do take custom orders, so feel free to message me - or follow on the socials (below).
See you in the internet